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"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of others."

-Charles Dickens


For my whole life I have known my purpose is to help others. Approaching everything life throws my way with an open hand is how I have come to this point. Throughout my website you will find the theme of hands because this has seemed to be the theme of my life. As I grew older, the feeling of just wanting to help followed me. In every job, experience, service project and friendship which came my way I focused on how I could be helpful in that setting. In the past year, I was introduced to a personality test called the Enneagram which has helped me to further understand how I am designed and how I function. Learning that I am a Type 2 has enabled such deep introspection into who I am and how I naturally view the world. Type 2's are natural helpers with an innate desire to serve. Looking back, I can see how all of my life experiences and how I have responded to certain things has lead me in the direction I am headed. Now, as I look forward to a career as a Mental Health Therapist, I am joyfully expectant of all the lives I will help through this line of work. 


This picture is of my mom and dad- my inspiration and support system every step of the way 

My ePortfolio is designed to showcase my academic work as well as introduce you to myself. Throughout the different pages you will find here, you will see different aspects of who I am as well a what I have done to come   to this place. My academic history is a bit unique since I     was home schooled most of my life, and that has    greatly shaped the person I am today. I hope you

enjoy what you find and feel free to use the contact

form on my resume page if you would like to reach out!

      Through the pages of this website I hope to showcase the highlights of my accomplishments and talents: an amalgamation of the works which best represent myself, my personality and skills.

Published 2021

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© 2018 by Rae Odiorne.
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